The following is adapted from Linda V. Berens and Dario Nardi, The 16 Personality Types: Descriptions for Self-Discovery (Telos Publications, 1999) *Used with permission.
I like variety. I like people. I am whatever is happening at the moment. I accomplish as much as I can to keep from getting bored-I find something I like and can tolerate, that I can see myself good at down the road. And I'm almost always up and positive. I always have a compliment and look for the good in a situation. I love the simple things in life, and I'm also interested in people and a lot of different things. I look at life's possibilities: the excitement of what might come out of a situation and what I might learn about a person and how I can help.
Freedom is the most important thing. If I don't have freedom, then what do I have?
I love talking to people. Making and having friends is gratifying, and I value my friendships. People see me as someone they can tell something to and not just as boring or average. Somehow I charm people, and I am very genuine in my interest. I observe the game of life, and a lot of times it's about being open and observant on my part. Whenever I find things getting heavy, I say something light to make everyone laugh again. I am offended when things are impersonal and harsh. Some people are so serious and many people feel guilty about having fun. Fun is important because I can get more work done in a few hours than most people do in a whole day. My biggest contribution is in just listening to what people are trying to do, probing and pushing and mirroring back to them what I hear they're saying.
I love not having to practice and still being good at something. I don't like having to do a lot of planning. I want to accomplish something and move on to the next thing. I am really good at pulling things off, especially if there is a last-minute crisis. It's just a matter of trying to keep things together, doing what you have to do in the moment. Being outside, getting physical, is also something I have a need for. Everyone always wants me on their team. People say I'm lucky...
When the moment that I am living in becomes difficult, then I close up physically. I just move through life and react as things come up. I can get worried about the future and go down this long road of awful possibilities or thinking about the past, especially if others will be affected.
I am an individual. I can't imagine following others, and it's a waste of time if someone's not going to do their best. I want freedom for being able to do what I want to do when I want to do it. Don't tell me I can't do something. Rules and regulations infuriate me. Doing something by the book isn't always logical or reasonable. What makes a difference is if you do a good job or not. Do a good job and I respect you. I want to do my best.